Thursday, April 19, 2018

I Have a ROC

I Have a ROC
(based on the Simon and Garfunkle tune)

A springtime day,
Every year so we'll remember.

I am alone.

Gazing at my Dashboard,
At responses so,
I can make sure the evidence will go.

I have a ROC!
I have compli-i-i-iance!

I have docs,
They make a stack tall and mighty!
That none may penetrate.
I have to do an audit.
An audit causes pain.
It's question after question! So insane!

I have a ROC!
I have compli-i-i-iance!

Don't talk too much.
Assessors heard it all before.
We're facing down a QSA,
And I let a quick comment
Make them ask me more.
Our processes should be enough and more.

I have a ROC!
I have compli-i-i-iance.

I have my NOC!
And my user training to protect me.
I am shielded by firewalls.
I have my AV,
Safety's watching me.
Nothing's gonna get me hacked, you'll see.

I have a ROC!
I have compli-i-iance.

And a ROC is endgame.
But at the end, I always cry.

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